Fen End, Willingham

Creation of a contemporary, one and a half storey detached dwelling.

This project involved the creation of a contemporary, one and a half storey detached dwelling located within the large garden of our clients existing home.

Our client wanted to down-size from their large family home, but didn’t want to move away from Willingham where they have lived all of their lives. Luckily their rear garden was an ideal location for a separate dwelling.

Services provided
  • Concept designs
  • Securing planning permission
  • Discharge of planning conditions
  • Principal designer duties (CDM 2015)
  • Preparation of a working drawing package
It's amazing, definitely our "dream home". Thanks to yourself and Gary for designing such a wonderful home for us to live in. Our home has always been important to us but in these strange times "loving" where you live gives so much pleasure.
Geoff & Sally Rule
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