Withersfield Road, Haverhill

Creation of 28 flats for affordable rent.

The existing site on Withersfield Road was owned by Havebury Housing Partnership, and was in two distinct parts, divided by Stour Brook. To the north of the river facing onto Withersfield Road was a terrace of six single storey dilapidated dwellings in the conservation area, but in need of demolition & re-development. To the south of Stour Brook was a more natural, unkempt area, bordered by the brook, with mature trees along the north bank.

The brief was to create a scheme that addressed Withersfield Road and extended backwards to maximise the scrub land to the rear. A vehicular bridge over the brook would be required to provide occasional access to the rear properties for deliveries etc.

The site to the rear was unmanaged and provided little amenity for locals and although wildlife existed within the site there was a real opportunity to enhance this for the enjoyment of the local residence. There was an opportunity to link to the existing green corridor, which was defined by an old railway line, and provided a route through to the town centre. Because of the site position to the rear we had to make appropriate provision for water balancing measures, incorporating SuDS such as permeable paving and green roofs. We also made allowance for new tree planting, including street trees for shading and cooling and creating new or restoring areas of landscape.

Services provided
  • Concept designs
  • Assist with public consultations
  • Full planning pre-application and submission
  • Securing planning permission
  • Obtaining building regulations
  • Discharge of planning conditions
  • Principal designer duties (CDM 2015)
  • Preparation of a working drawing package
  • Assist with BREEAM assessment information
  • Monitoring build quality and guidance on site
  • Administration of the building contract
  • Provide architectural certificates
  • Completion on site
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