Planning approval gained for a new scheme for Thurrock County Council

We are delighted to have gained planning approval for a scheme of seven new 2 bed houses for Thurrock County Council last week. The houses will be built for local people for affordable rent in Chadwell St. Mary on a former garage site.

The site is constrained by existing rights of way to rear gardens on both sides which are to be maintained. Proposals are for a new street of terraced houses each arranged around a small courtyard with turning space in the middle. The shared access is provided with landscaping and parking for residents and visitors.

The existing garages are derelict, and the site has become an area known for anti-social behaviour and vandalism. The new scheme will create activity and natural surveillance, whilst creating affordable housing on a brownfield, sustainable site.

The scheme was approved at committee with members voting unanimously in favour.

#planningapproval #housing #architectsthatlisten #architects #design #architecture #community

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